
You've Got a Song

"Sing a song, sing a song in the heat of day
Let it soar, let it soar with the wind of change
When the sun is shining, when the sky is gray
Let the whole world know you've got a voice to sing
Your heart is soaring high like a bird in flight
Hopes and dreams giving way to the light
You've got a reason to sing
You've got a reason to sing ooh ooh"

"Sing" words and music by
Tim and Christa Heider
(c) 2004

Check your pulse. Check your breathing. Are you still alive? Then praise God! The most powerful way we can worship God is by singing and making a joyful noise unto Him. God wants us to sing--every single one of us. He's given each of us a song and He wants us to release it.

Did you know that there was music at Creation? Job 38:7 says, "When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy." (NKJ) Music is a part of God's nature. He created music, and He put music in His creation. Obviously, music was corrupted by sin, but that just gives the believer all the more reason to sing about his wonderful redemption.

There are many commands in the Bible to sing and make music for God. Psalm 96:1-2 says, "Sing unto the Lord a new song! Sing unto the Lord all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless His Name. Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day." (NKJ) It also tells us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. That joyful noise may be a completed song with beautiful harmony, or it may be a yodel in the bathtub, but the mandate is the same.

How could you think about all that God has done for you and not break out in song? Praise and worship is how we get into God's presence. "Come into His presence with singing and enter His courts with praise." (Psalm 100:2, NKJ) Your song may never be played on the radio or on stage, but if it helps you get closer to God, that is all that matters. There is a song in you and you must learn to let it out.

"Let every living, breathing creature praise God! Hallelujah!"
Psalm 150:6 (The Message)

Tim Heider

Here are a few more scriptures to study about singing:

Psalm 100:1-4
Psalm 150
Isaiah 44:23
II Chronicles 20:1-30


Blogger You're a Princess said...

Wow, I'm so honored to have my - uh - our song on the internet! These are some great postings. I'm proud of you; you're going to go a long way with this - beyond just a blog! Sometimes you just amaze me!

6:28 PM  
Blogger kmolhusen said...

I was just thinking. All of your posts could be articles in a magazine. think about that. :)

3:59 AM  
Blogger Tim Heider said...

What magazine, praytell?

3:02 PM  
Blogger You're a Princess said...

I'm sure you'll find one!

6:18 PM  

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